Monday, May 21, 2012

Shasta Dam

We drove south to Redding to tour the Shasta Dam and then to walk across the Sundial bridge.  We were the only people for the 9 a.m. tour, so we go a personal tour.  The dam is run by the Bureau of Reclamation and the water released is for farming downstream. We walked the top of the dam, went through security and the down 483 feet to the bottom of the dam.  This is a huge dam, only Grand Coulee is bigger.  It has more cement in it than the Hoover Dam.  We got to see the 5 electric generating turbines, the 125 ton cranes that are used to replace some of the parts or to service the turbines every 15-18 years.  Security was important.  The tour guide Dwight walked ahead of us and Jennifer walked behind us as security.  After the tour we walked the Sundial Bridge, with its luminous glass floor.

Shasta Dam
The downstream view of the Sacramento River
The water runs down these pipes to run the turbines
The 5 turbine generators
The pipes are big enough to drive a train through them
Debbie & me at the spillway
Debbie at the Sundial Bridge

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